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Oboe Reed Making

is an important skill for oboists to learn!

The sound of the oboe is produced in the reed, so having good reeds is vital to being a good oboist! Students who have completed 6th grade may begin learning to make their own reeds. They also learn to adjust commercial reeds to play better.

Making oboe reeds allows a student to

  • achieve a better tone

  • play better in tune

  • have oboe reeds that are more consistent & feel more comfortable

  • save money — the initial investment in reed-making equipment quickly pays for itself, since the cost of making oboe reeds is far less than that of buying commercial reeds

  • choose cool thread colors! Over 80 colors to choose from at the studio!

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Students learn 3 stages of oboe reed-making:

  • tying reeds

  • scraping reeds

  • finishing reeds

Written materials supplement the hands-on instruction.

Students grow increasingly independent with the goal of making their own finished oboe reeds.

The best motivation is being able to play on reeds they made themselves!

Advanced students may learn to select, pre-gouge, gouge and shape cane.

Reed Making FAQs


Do you sell reeds?

At this time I only sell reeds to oboists who study with me.

If I have online lessons, can I still learn reedmaking?

Yes! I have developed special methods for teaching reed making online!

I can’t attend your Summer Oboe Seminar. Can I still learn reed making?

Yes! When you learn reed making as part of your private lessons, I personally guide you through the steps of making reeds. We will tie a reed on at one lesson and scrape it to play at the next lesson!

How do I get started?

The first step is to have the materials. I recommend purchasing the Lemke Studio Reed Making Kit from Heidi Brann. HB Oboe Reeds. YouTube video about the kit

Will I need anything else?

Yes! I recommend adding some common household items to your reed kit, including a small scissors, clear nail polish, and a roll of 1/2” teflon tape, or plumber’s tape.

How long will it take me to learn to make reeds?

Most oboists will be able to make a reed that plays during a 4-day seminar. Becoming independent as a reed-maker is a gradual process, and I am here to help you!