Reed Making FAQs
Do you sell reeds?
At this time I only sell reeds to oboists who study with me.
If I have online lessons, can I still learn reedmaking?
Yes! I have developed special methods for teaching reed making online!
I can’t attend your Summer Oboe Seminar. Can I still learn reed making?
Yes! When you learn reed making as part of your private lessons, I personally guide you through the steps of making reeds. We will tie a reed on at one lesson and scrape it to play at the next lesson!
How do I get started?
The first step is to have the materials. I recommend purchasing the Lemke Studio Reed Making Kit from Heidi Brann. HB Oboe Reeds. YouTube video about the kit
Will I need anything else?
Yes! I recommend adding some common household items to your reed kit, including a small scissors, clear nail polish, and a roll of 1/2” teflon tape, or plumber’s tape.
How long will it take me to learn to make reeds?
Most oboists will be able to make a reed that plays during a 4-day seminar. Becoming independent as a reed-maker is a gradual process, and I am here to help you!